Format: Hardcover
Language: English
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States of consciousness are what fascinate Picchioni. Linguistics was traditionally studied as a part of the humanities, including studies of history, art and literature. Specific areas of research on interpersonal relationships at USC include work on attraction and attachment in romantic relationships (Lynn Miller, Steve Read), relational correlates of political orientations (Jesse Graham), and decision-making and interpersonal negotiation in risky sexual behavior (Lynn Miller, Steve Read).
Pages: 210
Publisher: Andesite Press (August 9, 2015)
ISBN: 1298606446
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download online. Unique features of this program are the breadth of training, the involvement of faculty from several disciplines, and a concern with preparing students for careers in both neuroscience research and university teaching. The listing below highlights research areas common to several faculty members who could provide both breadth and specialization of training: As a whole, psychology is heavily guided by how the brain works, how the brain impacts people's decisions and personality, and how to account for differences in the brain while seeking to better understand diagnoses and symptoms , source: Personality: A Cognitive Approach (Psychology Focus)
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