Great Thinkers of India

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As usual, the department is host to a number of Visiting Scholars and Visiting Student Researchers this year: Tony Cheng, Eduardo N. Explore the U's various colleges, departments, and academic programs below. Linda Pershing, Ribbon Around the Pentagon: Peace by Peacemakers, reviewed for the Journal of American Folklore 110, no. 438 (Fall 1997): 441-442. A distinguishing aspect of Middlebury's program is the depth of study possible in Hebrew.

The Man that never Walked In

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These individuals are in a nurse’s life for only moments, yet that brief encounter can affect them for the rest of their lives. Advanced computer skills are not required, but willingness to learn new software is essential. A political philosophy minor requires 12 hours, including a logic course (PHI 2100 or PHI 3130) and 9 hours from: PHI 3162, PHM 2121, PHM 2300, PHM 3123, PHM 3331r, PHP 3510, PHM 3400, PHM 4340. It is easy to find yourself in that comfortable place with "unique" knowledge.

The Wine of Wisdom: The Life, Poetry and Philosophy of Omar

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In this five-week course, we will thoroughly examine the concepts of purusha and prakriti, the three gunas, and the other twenty tattvas or metaphysical principles outlined by the system. Many important questions about a discipline, such as the nature of its concepts and its relation to other disciplines, do not belong to that discipline, are not usually pursued in it, and are philosophical in nature. Environment is defined as all that is internal and external to the person and is characterized by teh physical, spiritual, political, cultural, social, ethical, and intellectual dimensions.