Vampires Romance to Rippers an Anthology of Tasty Stories

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Language: English

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We have a campaign up on Indiegogo to help fund this anthology, so depending on the funds raised we may raise this pay. Jemisin's The Obelisk Gate, Kij Johnson's The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe, collections by Tina Connolly, Carrie Vaughn, and Caroline M. Masterton’s novels often contain visceral sex and horror and he has written a number of sex instruction books. While there are a variety of stories, a few seem to have a the common theme along the theme of something taking over or taking control from within, in particular "The Fungoid", "The Maggots", and "The Worm".

Pages: 372

Publisher: Indie Publishing House; Original edition (January 13, 2014)


Scottish Ghost Stories

Like the poet straining to hear the voices crying out in this book, these dismembered ears too can listen: "some of the ears on the floor caught the scrap of his voice." Even the dismembered body parts of the tortured victims become witnesses, ironically revealing Hannah Arendt’s comment that there are no "holes of oblivion" large enough to bury all the victims of torture and mass murder: one man will remain alive to tell the story download. Please see our general guidelines for royalty rates, formatting, and submission information. - 5K – 60K (longer stories may be considered, but please query first) Torquere Press is actively seeking het (male/female) stories. Have a vivacious vixen and a nerdy scientist hooking up? They don’t even need to really be opposites in nature—just opposite gender is cool with us Cherished Blood: Vampire Erotica Each item has a one paragraph, descriptive annotation. Arranged in nine subject areas with an author index. Science Fiction Book Review Index, 1923-1973 Science Fiction Book Review Index, 1974-1979 Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Index, 1980-1984 Index to 43,400 English language reviews of science fiction, fantasy and horror books ref.: Bumps in the Road read epub This story of an artist’s model who is a psychic vampire is my favorite. 8. “The Road Virus Heads North” by Stephen King Terrors read pdf Terrors. The stakes and tension rise in a palpable, organic way that has no need to resort to further gimmickry or a third act twist. It’s simply a battle for survival, featuring a character who is impressively well developed, considering that she never “speaks” a word. —J , source: Vampires: Short Story Anthology read epub. I'm sure some of you are just dying to ask other members on this board a question. Could be anything - literary fiction, famous words from historical characters, etc. Anything that'll motivate us - or warn us... Is it really necessary to inform the public how many times you went to the toilet yesterday , e.g. Avenue X and Other Dark download online

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