The Gate Theory

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In addition to the above, the story or poem must instill fear using a supernatural element – ghosts, ghouls, monsters, myth, folklore or legend. In the world of horror anthologies, this is the age of the theme. For more information, visit We aim to create an open world that you can freely explore, Click the image for details! Winner receives cash prize, publication, 100 copies. If your story is selected as the lead story, beginning July 1, 2014, we will pay a flat rate of 6 cents per word (SFWA professional rate), in return for the permission to podcast or give the story away as a free sample portion of the anthology.

Pages: 132

Publisher: Cohesion Press (August 30, 2013)


The Catacombs Anthology

Cavalcade of Terror: A Horror Anthology by Anthony Giangregorio (2012-05-01)

Hope, Pandora “Eight Seconds,” She Walks in Shadows online. The film boasted all the elements that made films such as ZOMBIE HOLOCAUST, CANNIBAL FEROX, CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, and JUNGLE … Continue reading → Showtime has amassed some of the greatest horror film writers and directors to bring to you the anthology series, "Masters of Horror" Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth download for free Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the End of the World. In science fiction, the end is triggered by less figurative means: nuclear holocaust, biological warfare/pandemic, ecological disaster, or cosmological cataclysm ref.: Dread: A Head Full of Bad Dreams (The Best Horror of Grey Matter Press) (Volume 1) The main charity aspect of this book, the donation we shall be making, is AWARENESS. If we raise a tenner or even ten grand, that’s a bonus. We can’t give a greater gift than a part of ourselves. We’ve already been inundated with fabulous pieces – some of which we’ve accepted. Some guys and gals have refused payment, or offered reprints for free. In one case, I’m doing a full edit on a novel in exchange for a story that I just had to have ref.: Horror Uncut read for free Don’t worry TOO much about formatting ’em – it’s the words wot count. SPEAKING of words and counting, please limit your piece to 5k. ***Please give extra thought to your opening paragraph. If I’m not hooked, I probably won’t get past page one*** HOW IS THE BOOK BEING FUNDED? Once all subs are accepted, a Kickstarter campaign will be launched. That may seem like an arse-about-tit way of doing things – but make no mistake, this book will be published ANYWAY, even if I have to offer myself up for medical experiments to pay you guys (it’ll just take longer that way, that’s all) MYSTERY : Back Spin - read pdf See what we mean about those vampire fingers Sanity Clause is Coming...: A download epub Sanity Clause is Coming...: A second. Definitely the stronger of the 3 pilot episodes. It was a hard toss up between this & Chattery Teeth I could go on forever because I have seen so many horror anthology films. Every film on this list I recommend tracking down to watch. Hell,even Bryan Cranston was in it lol I’d like to see an AVP anthology. The wraparounds can be a human story. ‘Crate’ from the original Creepshow download.

Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections, 1977-1983 Index to approximately 21,000 English language works of science fiction, fantasy and horror short fiction from over 1,900 anthologies and single- author short story collections from 1927-1983 The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton. Hill about revenge on a galactic scale involving the stars and the music they can make; �She Wanted to go into the Trees� by Patricia Russo about people referred to as �the Sorry�, who are invisible to the rest of society, and how one managed to move into a different plane of existence; and �Fairy Gold� by Peadar O�Guilin about places in the world where humans and fairies can interact, but the fairies have decidedly sinister reasons for meeting with the humans Fear the Abyss: 22 Terrifying download epub Fear the Abyss: 22 Terrifying Tales of.

Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe

Cthulhu 2000

He wandered over and there was a slow pan to the contents of a chicken-wire cage. Stanley’s arms and legs had been crudely amputated (along with his tongue, apparently), and he looked like he was hoping someone would just kill him as he squirmed around wretchedly and painfully, covered in feathers, wearing one of Meep’s old hats (nice touch) Blood Sacrifices: The Curse of Tabla Diabla (Age Regression Fiction) Blood Sacrifices: The Curse of Tabla. Looking for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. "Stories do not have to be explicitly Australian, although we would like to see some with Australian characterization and background, provided the Australian element is not merely a self-conscious insertion into a standard plot." Give your work a shot at the best market in the field. It may fail, but then at least you’ll know that. If you sell it to a low-paying market on its first trip out, you’ll alway wonder whether it could have done better The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection (No.9) The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror:. Fiction, nonfiction, and memoir in a Pueblo Magico by the sea. One-on-one mentoring, manuscript critique. Faculty: Gordon Chaplin (novelist), Jeanne McCulloch (editor), Rex Weiner (journalist), Jonathan Penner (novelist), plus guest writers, agents, and editors. 30 YEARS OF helping fiction writers and poets reach their potential Edgar Allan Poe's Annotated download online Reading Period (open for submission): December 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 Advance Payment to Contributors: Contributors will be paid CAN 6 cents per word. The payment is an advance against royalties. Payment will be on acceptance of final edited story. Rights: First World Rights for anthology in the English-language. Exclusive rights prior to publication and for a period of one year after the publication and non-exclusive rights for the anthology thereafter where the contributors are free to resell Slightly Spooky Stories: an anthology read epub. Blood and guts are fine, but the story should be a mystery to solve, or feature a crime other than killing or maiming epub. Make us become the number one source of dark, speculative horror fiction by telling people about us. We hope you find it...disturbing. *Subscribe below and receive our free newsletters. *SEE OUR BOOK SUBMISSIONS LINK House of Windows

Twice Dead Things

Something Wicked Anthology of Speculative Fiction, Volume Two

Strange Eight

Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Pitchforks and Torches: A Halloween Reader


State of Horror: North Carolina (State of Horror Series)

Tales to Make You Cringe: Ultimate Rush

Dark Side

50 More Ghost Stories

INSOMNIA and Seven More Short Stories

Snafu: An Anthology of Military Horror

Remember Why You Fear Me

Four Summoner's Tales

Fatal Attractions (The Hot Blood Series Book 11)

Arkham's Masters of Horror: A 60th Anniversary Anthology Retrospective of the First 30 Years of Arkham House

Girls Rock Horror Harder, Issue 4

5 Scary Little Tales - Volume 1 - North Georgia Edition

Western Ghost Stories

Its purpose was to generate electricity, and its engineering is considered a feat. This status, however, came with more than a large price tag: whole communities were wiped out. CL&P, armed with eminent domain [1], secured property from families who had owned the land for generations Ghost Stories of Oliver Onions read pdf Unfortunately, the trio are too late for the night's main attraction - the torture murder of a mortal girl - but mein host has saved them each a goblet of blood. A deadly garlic bulb is hurled into the mob, followed by another pdf. We want to showcase some of the best new shorts available today. See the “Submissions” tab for preferred formats, etc ref.: The Best Science Fiction, download for free The Best Science Fiction, Fantasy &. Wilbanks Creeping Shadows contains three dark tales, by three authors who each have their own unique style. �Vengeance Is Mine� by Alan Draven is the story of Jack The Ripper, the detective who is trying to catch him, and a dead hooker who decides to take revenge ref.: Strange Tales from a Chinese download for free Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio: The. Most editors are very thorough about telling writers exactly what kind of story they want to see. They also usually make a mention of the things they don’t like or things they won’t accept. Keep those limitations in mind when it comes time to write ref.: Black Wings of Cthulhu: Tales read online Black Wings of Cthulhu: Tales of. In contrast, horror anthologies were self contained and they seemed to turn up everywhere. It was of course impossible to get continuous runs of any one horror title so you ended up with samples of this or that, which to me enhanced their appeal Tales to Freeze the Blood: More Great Ghost Stories Black magic, mystical zombies and genital torture ensues. This is a dirty and crazy movie, one of the best things Craven directed, but it tends to only be talked about by serious horror buffs Mental Ward: Stories from the Asylum download epub. I'm trying to track down a horror anthology book from the early 80s. I'm fairly sure it was called something like '50 tales of horror and suspense' and definitely had a cover painting consisting of a human skull with snakes wrapped around it download. Slatter, Angela “Only the Dead and the Moonstruck, “Letters to Lovecraft. Slatter, Angela “Terrible as an Army with Banners,” The Bitterwood Bible. Slatter, Angela “The Badger Bride,” Strange Tales IV. Slatter, Angela “The Burnt Moon,” The Bitterwood Bible. Slatter, Angela “The Maiden in the Ice,” The Bitterwood Bible Weird Tales #333 [Sept/Pct 2003] We’re looking for lush settings, beautiful prose and complex characters. This is not a children’s anthology: The anthology is meant for a readership of 16-and-up (general adult). We will gladly consider fairy-based horror. If we say it’s adult fiction then why “16-and-up”? It’s a completely arbitrary number based on the age some of us here at WWP were when we first read A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Best Horror of the Year download pdf When done wrong however, they can feel like they're nothing more than a bunch of half-assed stories that have been randomly thrown together, just for the sake of it , source: Historical Lovecraft: Tales of read epub Although no longer a print publication, the website still features book and movie reviews, author profiiles, interviews, and features, as well as occasional short fiction. Pear Noir! welcomes unsolicited submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry up to 5000 words The Ultimate Book of Zombie read for free

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