World of Strange Phenomena

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Other, similar resurgences took place at roughly the same time, centered in France and Germany. These philosophers, the Abbe said, formed the sophisters of rebellion, who joined with Freemasons --a group characterized as having a "long history" of hatred for Christ and kings. The first held a rather conservative view of the phenomena, interpreting them as unexplained occurrences that merited serious study. Medieval alchemists linked it to the cyclical processes in nature.

Pages: 858

Publisher: Sphere (October 5, 1995)

ISBN: 0751514829

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They pretend to know how to draw down [katagein ] the moon, to eclipse the sun, to make storm and sunshine, to bring rain and droughts, to make the sea impassable and the earth sterile, and other things like this. The ones who ‘‘know’’ about such things will tell you that such e√ects can be achieved through certain rites or some other skill or operation The Rise & Fall of Atlantis: And the Mysterious Origins of Human Civilization The Rise & Fall of Atlantis: And the. While they may be wrong, he does eventually regain his sight, only to lose it again as word of Germany's surrender reaches his ears on Martin Luther's birthday: November 9, 1918. (On that same day, in Munich, Baron Sebottendorff would call the Saturday meeting of the Thule Gesellschaft to order and his cultists would begin to forge identity papers, spy on the Reds, and stockpile weapons.) Yet it is during Hitler's blindness that he receives a kind of mystical enlightenment (see right), like that experienced by Guido von List many years before during his own temporary blindness (or like that of Saul, blinded on the way to Damascus) for, from that point on, Adolf Hitler has changed , cited: Handbook of Fortune Telling read for free

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