Sanitarium Magazine Issue #30: Bringing you the Best Horror

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Language: English

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Send us an email to the address listed below and attach any written work in PDF or Word.doc format, and all artwork in jpeg format to submit it for consideration. Some permit electronic submissions, while others accept only hard copy. Other stand-outs include "Trick", about an old man who believes children are evil�and will leave you wondering if he was right; FIVE POINTS, about the ghosts of history and the demons that use them in the old New York immigrant neighborhood; "Vicious Swimmers", about sharks, secret government experiments, and what can really go wrong; and "The Feeding Things", an erotic tale answering the age-old question �where do baby demons come from?� "The Last Stand of Black Danny O'Barry" was an okay story about the California Gold Rush and ancient Chinese beliefs about the dead that I thought maybe could�ve been a bit shorter. "Gray Gulls Gyre" was a decent story about a man afraid to die and the girl who comes to help him, but I would have liked more insight into the girl and the tattoos that gave her the �power� to help him in the first place.

Pages: 184

Publisher: Eye Trauma Press (February 21, 2015)


Carnival: A Horror Anthology

Stardark - How Things Must Always End (Book 3) / Fallen Stars: Supernatural Thriller Series (Fiction Romance Series)

Hottest Blood

Monsters in the Heart

Retro Pulp Tales

A Book of Horrors

The book ends on a high note with “All His Wordly Goods” by D. Watt, the ghostly tale of a man who works in a charity shop and discovers that a donated volume – the Supernatural Omnibus – refuses to leave him alone epub. Matter of fact, it's all rather charming. George Venner - She Tried To Sell My Soul To Satan: "TAKE A CLOSE LOOK at the cute blonde waiting near you at the bus stop. She's neatly dressed in the latest fashion and her pert face is a picture of innocence. See that attractive matron in her early 30's - the one who lives right down the street from you Whispers in the Dark: A Cthulhu Anthology Wagner, Wendy “Three Small Pieces of Pumpkin Pie,” Farrago’s Wainscott #15, July. Walters, Damien Angelica “Falling Under, Through the Dark,” Black Static #46 ref.: Death at the Blue Elephant download here. For guidelines see THE 2017 LAS VEGAS Writer’s Conference, hosted by Henderson Writers’ Group, is scheduled for April 20–22 at Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall. Join keynote author Donald Maass, fellow writers, agents, publishers, and marketing experts for a weekend of workshops on the publishing industry Fearie Tales: Stories of the download pdf download pdf. A signed illustrated slipcase limited to 200 copies is also available. VARIED GENRE THEMED Collection - Unsigned Jacketed Hardcover. A deluxe 100 signed edition (in a slipcase including a chapbook containing additional stories) limited 100 copies is also available , cited: 92 Short Horror Stories Markets with specific deadlines are listed first, “Until Filled” markets are at the bottom. There are usually more details on the original site; always click through and read the full guidelines before submitting. Note that some publishers list multiple guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit. [Note that Stiff Things has a deadline (1 March) but is also “Until Filled,” which means it might close earlier if the editors get a lot of good subs right away , e.g. End of Days 4: An Apocalyptic read here read here.

These individual tales will eventually lead him to the truth he covets. One of the standout stories is “Waxworks,” concerning a recent retiree (Peter Cushing) and his fixation with a creepy wax figure. The best segment, titled “Sweets to the Sweet,” stars Christopher Lee as the father of a problem child ref.: Sanity Clause is Coming...: A second anthology of twisted Christmas tales (Volume 2) And the US Amazon seem to have good deal for it. Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Google+ account. ( Log Out / Change ) Notify me of new comments via email Babysitting Alicia: A Short read for free

Bizarre Tales of Horror: A Paranormal Horror Anthology

The Beleagured City: and Other Tales of the Seen and the Unseen (Canongate Classics)

Cocktails at Seven, Apocalypse at Eight: The Derby Cavendish Stories

In addition, she received an Honorable Mention in the Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror five years in a row. Her work is featured in Sins of the Sirens, a Dark Arts book. LISA MORTON is an award-winning author, screenwriter, and producer , cited: The Chaos Of Chung-fu (Linford Mystery Library) Previously, she reviewed regularly for Publishers Weekly for over a decade, was review editor for the original print incarnation of Fantasy magazine for a few years (returning in 2009 to edit reviews for its online version), a columnist for Cemetery Dance magazine for five years, and editor for the print section (reviewing, interviewing, and writing articles about sf/f/h) of CFQ (Cinemafantastique) magazine ref.: Grimericks Poor Talis must endure agonizing and seemingly-endless hours of torture within her tomb, wondering who emplaced her there and why, if it was her father, seeking some sort of punishment. With Talis' air running out, she does not believe that she can survive this entombment and find out the reason for it. The Phantom of the Earth: An Epic Sci-Fi Saga, Books 1-5 You define life or it defines you Beyond A Dark Door: 4 Tales of Monsters, Misfits and Men Beyond A Dark Door: 4 Tales of Monsters,. Pretorius, with its most memorable scene being the first sighting of the Monster by the Bride - with her accompanying shriek of terror. The continuing series of Frankenstein films included: the exploitative Son of Frankenstein (1939) - the third film of the Frankenstein series, Karloff's last film as Frankenstein's Monster (it co-starred Bela Lugosi as Ygor and Basil Rathbone as Baron von Frankenstein); it was one of the best sequels before many inferior creations in the 1940s and 50s The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942) starring Lon Chaney Jr. as the Monster (it was the first film without Karloff as the Monster) Together, Lugosi and Karloff also starred in three films together, the best being their first film - Edgar Ulmer's The Black Cat (1934) (based on an Edgar Allen Poe story) ref.: H.P. Lovecraft's Favorite download for free My problem is that I know too many people and, I’m a little ashamed to admit, I have an almost overwhelming desire for people to like me, so I don’t want to offend someone that I know , e.g. Dark and Twisted Things: An read epub

The Works of Edgar Allen Poe: The Raven Edition - Volume Four (Top 100 Horror Books) (Volume 4)


The Emergency Patient (Head in the Clouds Anthology Series Book 6)

The Collected Works of Robert Louis Stevenson: 30 Books and Short Stories (Unexpurgated Edition) (Halcyon Classics)

My Favorite Horror Story

The Best Ghost Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Ghost Anthology (Best Short Stories 1800-1849 Book 3)

Vile Things: Extreme Deviations of Horror

An Account of Some Strange Disturbances in Aungier Street

Supernatural Tales

The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 22

Happy Days, Sweetheart

Best Ghost Short Stories 1850-1899: A Phantasmal Ghost Anthology

The Compendium: An Anthology of Horror

American Gothic Tales (William Abrahams)

Slaughter House: The Serial Killer Edition - Volume 1

Black Wings of Cthulhu (Volume Three)

Dragged Into Darkness

If you send us two stories, and we don’t hold either of them, wait until next year to try again. Please do not re-submit stories we have already rejected (including stories rejected in previous years). If you have not previously sold to Sword & Sorceress, please read What is a Short Story? and Why Did my Story Get Rejected? before submitting to us The Pit and Pendulum - A Collection of Short Stories and Writings The film is a strange comedy set in an American Gothic junkyard town where even the smallest legal infractions are punished by death ... Aykroyd can’t seem to decide it the tone is comedy or horror Vampire hunter film made by two Uwe Boll associates .. , e.g. Looking Backward in Darkness: Tales of Fantasy and Horror Vet Dr Chinnery ( Mark Gatiss ) tells of how his family is the subject of a curse that brings death to animals, while a former choirboy of Herr Lipp’s ( Steve Pemberton ) ran into a horde of vampires on an exchange trip. Curses and vampires are not out of place at a Royston Vasey Christmas, but a proper shudder may be reserved for the appearance of the truly horrible Papa Lazarou (Shearsmith again) ref.: The Mammoth Book of Body read for free It’s interesting, but I’m not sure it fits with the tone of the anthology; particularly coming on the heels of such a classically gothic story as “The Seventh Picture.” “Stone Dogs” is somewhat confusing at times , source: Ghost Circuits read epub Ghost Circuits. But with Stoker's 'Dracula', Matheson's 'I Am Legend', and this gem - the genre continues to be blown out of the water online. H. “Preservation,” The Ghosts & Scholars Book of Shadows volume 2. H. “The Quiet Room,” Shadows & Tall Trees 2014. Levine, David D. “Goat Eyes,” Black Static #42, September/October. Libling, Michael “Hollywood North,” F&SF November/December Wicked Captain Walshawe, of download pdf Joe McKinney works as a police officer in San Antonio, Texas and is the author of more than 20 books. He is also a multiple Bram Stoker Award® recipient download. S.), in return for the first publication rights to the story for six months after publication. All other rights will remain with the author. If your story is selected as the lead story, beginning July 1, 2014, we will pay a flat rate of 6 cents per word (SFWA professional rate), in return for the permission to podcast or give the story away as a free sample portion of the anthology , e.g. The Wonder Cats Mysteries 3-Book Box Set: Books 1-3 The Wonder Cats Mysteries 3-Book Box. ESME (Empowering Solo Moms Everywhere) announces its second annual writing contest, which is open to all Solo Moms—women who parent on their own due to choice or circumstance , source: Century of Horror 1970-1979 download here Reminiscent of Edgar Allen Poe, there are no happy endings here. My favorite story in the collection is "The Bungalow House", about a library employee that visits a hole-in-the-wall art gallery on his daily lunch break, and one day finds a performance-art audiotape that greatly appeals to him epub. We are looking for short fiction works (1,000-6,000 words in length). What Jaym is looking for: “Solid research, strong voice, and a clear understanding of your plot and setting. Don’t worry about being the best out there, that’s what editors are for, just write the best you have in you. You’ll get extra points from me if your stories are relevant to current events.” What Jason is looking for: “The unexpected online. I usually approach it with a very long, sharp object and give it a quick poke to make sure it’s safe to proceed , e.g. Deadlands: A Fistful O' Dead read here Deadlands: A Fistful O' Dead Guys.

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