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BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma (QCF from 2010): D with four modules at Distinction and two A-levels at grades AA, including grade in A both Mathematics and Further Mathematics. To complete a BSc(Hons) in Mathematics, students must complete 120 points at 500 level, including at least 60 points from the papers listed for Mathematics, of which at least 30 points must be in research (normally MATH591). This is rather surprising since the latter theory is viewed to be a subtle refinement of the former.
Pages: 400
Publisher: Harcourt School (January 1989)
ISBN: 0030128137
Finite Mathematics by Waner,Stefan; Costenoble,Steven. [2010,5th Edition.] Hardcover
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It’s perhaps strange that for a subject that relies so strongly on mathematical proof, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to answering the question, “what is mathematics?” Aristotle defined mathematics as “the science of quantity”, while Isidore Auguste Comte preferred calling it “the science of indirect measurement” and Benjamin Peirce “the science that draws necessary conclusions”
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