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In 1995 he went to Manfred Schmidt at the University of Mainz as a research fellow, where he finished his ‘‘habilitation’’ in 2001 with a thesis on functional core–shell nanoparticles. Chem 265/BGGN 262 students will be required to complete an additional oral presentation or paper or exam beyond that expected of students in Chem 165/BGGN 162. (May not be offered every year.) Recommended: elementary biochemistry as treated in Chem 114A or BIBC 100 and a basic course in cell biology, or consent of instructor.
Pages: 510
Publisher: Springer New York; 1 edition (February 8, 2009)
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Staehle et al., NACE-5, Houston, (1977). [4] N. Paul, “Hydrometallurgical Reactor Design and Ki netics,” Edited by R. Warren, THS-AIME, Warrandale, PA, (1987) 293. [6] D. van Rooyen, “The Potentiostat and its Application to Corrosion Studies” in Corrosion, Vol. 2, Corrosion Control, third edition, Edited by L. Burstein, Butterworth-Heinemann, New York, USA, (1994) 19:134. [7] T. Namboodhiri, “Metallic Glass Production, Properties and Appli cations” Edited by T , source: Structure of electrified download for free
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