MUDDY CUP: A Dominican Family Comes of Age in a New America

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However, beginning in 1998 the major stock markets underwent a series of corrections that lowered their overall value and contributed to an eventual economic slowdown. Since 1997 and the passage of a number of federal amendments, including the Amendments to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1997, EEPCD has not been a freestanding program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Diego, CA, 18-22 April 1992. This also means that the INS puts most of its effort into an area that is not a workplace and has little direct effect on labor discipline (though it might restrict SUpply).3 US citizenship politics is ambiguous about racial origin -American citizenship being ideologically non-ethnic side by side with Downloaded from at University of Texas at El Paso on February 18, 2013 162 real legacy of racial segmentation - so that it is important to recognize the anti-Latino bias of current US immigration restrictionism.

Pages: 368

Publisher: Scribner (August 4, 1997)

ISBN: 0684807041

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