Learn C on the Mac: For OS X and iOS

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Corona offers a drag and drop interface so it’s a perfect starting point for non-programmers to embrace iPhone development. Although Kindle Fire tablets use Android, they do not use the Google portions, and Amazon maintains a separate Android app store. Readers in India found it more convenient to read Wikipedia on their phone versus the desktop on several occasions: (a) while commuting to work, public transportation or being driven to work; (b) if they were at the office or school where Internet access was either not available or restricted to a handful of websites; (c) when they preferred to read Wikipedia on the phone to avoid going through the hassle of setting up an Internet connection on a desktop because they had to switch on both a modem/router and a computer.

Pages: 508

Publisher: Apress; 2nd ed. 2012 edition (December 19, 2012)

ISBN: 1430245336

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Then select the preferences as shown in the illustration below. The key settings here are Check grammar with spelling, and Show readability statistics pdf. The app uses Amazon's e-book store and it includes a service that offers a monthly selection of free e-books. [106] On June 2016, Amazon started to release the new Page Flip feature to the Kindle App and to e-readers released in 2014 or later via software update. [107] This feature allows the user to flip through nine thumbnails of page images at a time. Specific Kindle sales numbers are not released by Amazon.com; however, CEO Jeff Bezos stated in a shareholders' meeting in January 2010 that "millions of people now own Kindles". [108] According to anonymous inside sources, over three million Kindles had been sold as of December 2009, [109] while external estimates, as of Q4-2009, place the number at about 1.5 million. [110] According to James McQuivey of Forrester Research, estimates are ranging around four million, as of mid-2010. [111] On March 6, 2011, AT&T stores officially started sales of the Amazon Kindle. [112] In 2010, Amazon remained the undisputed leader in the e-reader category, accounting for 59% of e-readers shipped, and it gained 14 percentage points in share. [113] According to an International Data Corporation (IDC) study from March 2011, sales for all e-book readers worldwide reached 12.8 million in 2010; 48% of them were Kindles. [114] In the last three months of 2010, Amazon announced that in the United States its e-book sales had surpassed sales of paperback books for the first time. [115] In January 2011, Amazon announced that digital books were outselling their traditional print counterparts for the first time ever on its site, with an average of 115 Kindle editions being sold for every 100 paperback editions. [116] In December 2011, Amazon announced that customers had purchased "well over" one million Kindles per week since the end of November 2011; this includes all available Kindle models and also the Kindle Fire tablet. [117] IDC estimated that the Kindle Fire sold about 4.7 million units during the fourth quarter of 2011. [118] Pacific Crest estimated that the Kindle Fire models sold six million units during Q4 2012. [119] Morgan Stanley estimates that Amazon sold $3.57 billion worth of Kindle e-readers and tablets in 2012, $4.5 billion in Kindle device sales in 2013 and $5 billion in Kindle device sales in 2014. [120] Content from Amazon's Kindle Store and some other content providers is primarily encoded in Amazon's proprietary Kindle format ( AZW and KF8 ) Core Data by Tutorials Second Edition: Updated for Swift 2.2: iOS 9 and Swift 2.2 Edition http://old.gorvestnik.ru/library/core-data-by-tutorials-second-edition-updated-for-swift-2-2-i-os-9-and-swift-2-2-edition.

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