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November 5, 2011: "Everyone in Goya's Black Paintings..." by Jeff Whitney "Everyone in Goya's black paintings was mad. For the benefit of future antiquaries, however, we may observe that many of the songs, claimed by the present editor as the exclusive composition of Burns, were, in reality, current long before he was born. How is this demonstrated in his poetry. ‘I have Dutch, nigger and English in me, and either I am nobody, or I am a nation.’ This is a quote from ‘Shabine’, a Walcott persona.
Pages: 13
Publisher: Gary Wassner (August 12, 2011)
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Here, as in verse 6:2, her lover is painted on the canvas of our imagination as he goes down "to his garden, to the beds of spices, to graze and to gather lilies." Without explicit mention of the anatomical terms: clitoris, labia, vagina, etc., we understand that all of this is offered for his delight and hers , source: My Dinosaur Friends
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