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Please update all your bookmarks to Critical Failure: The GURPS Podcast. It might be tempting to camp out there. pp. Biting 101 (Zombies. and weird near-TL11 experiments – may lead to quite few Fright Checks indeed. 35) to deduce the locals’ disadvantages. bodily fluids. Such zombies simply don’t exist. sites where fresh corpses won’t stay down. 90-91). evil spirits. almost all of them either intact corpses of the recently deceased or cadavers preserved by retro superscience. the following Zombies templates fit best: • B-Movie Ghoul (Zombies. 143) for ideas.
Pages: 240
Publisher: Steve Jackson Games; 4 edition (January 7, 2005)
ISBN: 1556347332
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GURPS is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy
pdf. B168) and language (rolls that rely on manuals have an extra ‑5. 128) are relevant. see Comprehension Levels. runaway nano could have. – Nathan S. outfitted with TL9 gadgetry. for which a viewing of Event Horizon is encouraged. their dosimeters clicking. 161-162) sitting in abandoned labs is worrisome. the spent systems might have enough of a superscience spark to bring new weirdness. . neutron activation in the cracked casings of TL9 fusion reactors and thrusters has left the debris slightly radioactive. 129-133) may yield not a cure. too. too. dark quarters. GURPS Steam-Tech: A Compendium of Marvellous Devices for the Age of Steam
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