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Fire investigators determine the origin and cause of fires and explosions. Responsibilities include handling a heavy volume of phone calls/emails, scheduling, filing and recording/directing daily in-house voiceover auditions. Or at least I thought I was until I went to Drama School and learnt that I wasn't. On the other hand, the lead characters have a lot more depth, and Rutger Hauer and Karen Allen portray a couple approaching middle age, with all the associated health and emotional problems, quite well.
Pages: 48
Publisher: nai010 publishers/Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (February 2, 2000)
ISBN: 9070149737
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The Sound Handbook (Media Practice). Imagine setting a camera down to film a person. But as it turns out, you have only a one minute time limit on your project. You have no special editing tools, just a couple of VCRs. But you realize that most of the important stuff is said in a few short moments. If you cut out the unimportant parts and edit together the parts you want based on a single camera angle, you will have what are called jump cuts ref.: The Bluffer's Guide to Insider Hollywood (Bluffer's Guides) Revised Edition by Sally Whitehill published by Bluffer's (2013)
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You're the Director...You Figure It Out.. Nowhere is this more true than in the feisty Bogart-Bacall interactions between rakish rogue Harrison Ford and ice princess Carrie Fisher: their on-set dust-ups may be legendary, but their on-screen chemistry is unmistakable Directed by Clint Eastwood: read online
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http://old.gorvestnik.ru/library/french-queer-cinema. Box office data accurate as of July 15, 2010. Other prominent women directors of the past 30 years not listed above (because many or all of their movies do not have Metascores) include Allison Anders (Gas, Food, Lodging), Antonia Bird (Priest), Martha Coolidge (Valley Girl), Marleen Gorris (Antonia's Line), Randa Haines (Children of a Lesser God), Beeban Kidron (To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar), Mary Lambert (Pet Sematary), Sally Potter (Orlando), Susan Seidelman (Desperately Seeking Susan), and Barbra Streisand (Prince of Tides) , source: William Beaudine: From Silents read epub
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