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The government also encouraged foreign investment. Russian (Soviet) and East European Cinema: Media Resources Center UCB. The greater activism of the United States, together with that of other successful democracies, helped to build a broad, if not universal, consensus that was more sympathetic to democratic forms of government and less sympathetic to authoritarian forms. Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union have tended to be secularized and often religiously nonobservant.
Pages: 192
Publisher: Praeger (July 30, 1998)
ISBN: 0275963713
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pdf. Democratisation and Revolution in the USSR 1985-1991, p.p. 56-7. 23.) Kenez, Peter. A History of the Soviet Union from the Beginning to the End, Cambridge University Press: 1999, pp. 89-96. 29.) Resis, Albert. “Spheres of Influence in Soviet Wartime Diplomacy” , e.g. How the Cold War Ended: Debating and Doing History (Issues in the History of American Foreign Relations)
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