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Unless otherwise stated in the question, any numerical answer that is not exact MUST be written correct to THREE significant figures. 1. (a) Let p and q be given propositions. (i) Copy and complete the table below to show the truth tables of p → q and ~ p ∨ q. equivalent, giving reasons for your answer. [2 marks] (iii) Use the algebra of propositions to show that p ∧ ሺ ሺሺ ሺp → qሻ ሻሻ ሻ = p ∧ q. [3 marks] (b) The binary operation * is defined on the set of real numbers, ℝ, as follows: ݔ ∗ ݕ = ݔ + ݕ −1 for all x, y in ℝ. (i) is closed in ℝ, [3 marks] (ii) is commutative in ℝ, [2 marks] (iii) is associative in ℝ. [4 marks] stating the value of θ for which g (θ ) is a minimum. [4 marks] (c) Let A = (2, 0, 0), B = (0, 0, 2) and C = (0, 2, 0). (ii) Show that the vector r = i + j + k is perpendicular to the plane through A, B, and C. (iii) Hence, find the Cartesian equation of the plane through A, B and C. [3 marks] meets the curve at P(3, 27). b) the coordinates of Q. [1 mark ] a) the area of the shaded region, [5 marks] (b) (iii) ሺݔ ∗ ݕሻ ∗ ݖ = ሺݔ + ݕ −1ሻ ∗ ݖ for x, y, ݖ ∈ ℝ ⇒ ሺݔ ∗ ݕሻ ∗ ݖ = ݔ ∗ ሺݕ ∗ ݖሻ for all ݔ, ݕ, ݖ ∈ℝ = ሺܑ + ܒ +ܓሻ. ሺ2ܒ −2ܓሻ = 0 +2 −2 = 0 (1 mark) = ሺܑ + ܒ + ܓሻ. ሺ2ܑ − 2ܓሻ = 2 +0 − 2 = 0 (1 mark) So n is perpendicular to the plane through A, B and C. represent the plane through A, B and C.
Pages: 689
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 5 edition (September 11, 2000)
ISBN: 0750650494
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An inconsistent arithmetic may be considered an alternative or variant on the standard theory, like a non-euclidean geometry. Like set theory, though, there are some who think that an inconsistent arithmetic may be true, for the following reason. Gödel, in 1931, found a true sentence G about numbers such that, if G can be decided by arithmetic, then arithmetic is inconsistent Finite Mathematics - download pdf http://old.gorvestnik.ru/library/finite-mathematics-application-approach-student-solution-manual-11-th-11-by-paperback-2010. Hence the nit/mher of ways in which we may resolve N into two factors prime to each other is the same as that of the number abc. .. .; "We have therefore, by Cor. 1, making there p = q = r = &c. = 1, Number of ways in which N may be resolved inta two factors prime to each other, = HI + 1).(1 + 1) (1 + 1) .... to n factors = 2'*-^ Ex , e.g. Alarming! The Chasm Separating read here old.gorvestnik.ru. However, it has been an enormous challenge to try to prove rigorously that this scheme really captures every possible finite simple group. Scores of mathematicians have written hundreds of research papers, totaling thousands of pages, trying to prove various parts of the classification , cited: Schaum's Outline of Finite Element Analysis Schaum's Outline of Finite Element. If o, h, n are positive integers, and b Jess than 2 a -^ 1, show that the integral part of (a + ija^ — by is an odd number. 28. Show that the integral part of (1 + ^3)«'« + i contains 2** + ^ as a factor. 29. Find the coefficient of x*^ in the expansion of p + qx q + rx in a series of ascending powers of a?, and show that if P and Q be the coefficients of af*, according as it is expanded according to ascending or descending powers respectively; qr^ 30 , e.g. Decision Making for Finite Mathematics (02) by Buske, Dale [Paperback (2001)] http://old.gorvestnik.ru/library/decision-making-for-finite-mathematics-02-by-buske-dale-paperback-2001. Brianchon, Charles-Julien French mathematician who derived a geometrical theorem (now known as Brianchon’s theorem) useful in the study of the properties of conic sections (circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas) and who was innovative in applying the principle of duality... Briggs, Henry English mathematician who invented the common, or Briggsian, logarithm epub.
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