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Religion: Biko decries the fact that Westerners had an aggressive mentality. ... History attests that it is from the fabric of social relationships that there arise some of the best possibilities for ennobling the human person, but it is also there that lie in wait the most loathsome rejections of human dignity. 108. USE THIS LINK TO SEARCH THE ENTIRE DATABASE OR FIND INDIVIDUAL TITLES IN THE LIBRARY CATALOG. Let me start the analysis of moral personhood in African moral philosophy with a statement made by Ifeanyi Menkiti, an African philosopher from Nigeria: The various societies found in traditional Africa routinely accept this fact that personhood is the sort of thing which has to be attained, and is attained in direct proportion as one participates in communal life through the discharge of the various obligations defined by one's stations.
Pages: 216
Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd (February 21, 2013)
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