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Experimental verification of Kim and Wilde SCC curve is shown in Figure 1.18 for a rapidly solidified alloy (RSA) and ingot metallurgy (IM) AISI 304 stainless steels under tension testing using smooth round specimens in 0.10N solution at room temperature [19]. Be careful that the solution does not dribble down the side of the stack as this can cause a short circuit between the elements of the pile. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that both diffusivity and parabolic rate constant obey the Arrhenius relationship (see Chapter 3) Hence, the oxide thickness becomes It is known that the oxide kinetics of many metals and alloys show parabolic behavior.
Pages: 368
Publisher: Wiley-VCH; 1 edition (August 29, 2016)
ISBN: 3527339248
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