Encyclopedia of Ships and Boats: Encyclopedia Omnibus (128pp

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The skeptic concludes that no beliefs are justified. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1979. Wisdom became professor of philosophy there in 1952. See Holocaust Shobogenzo (Treasury of the true dharma-eye) (Dogen), 3:95–96 Shobogenzo Zuimonki (Miscellaneous talks) (Dogen), 3:95 Shoemaker, Sydney, 9:15–17 on consciousness, 2:455 on natural law, 5:227 on personal identity, 7:222–223, 7:229–232 on properties, 3:3–4 Shor, Peter, on quantum computing, 2:408 Shore, John E., 4:675 Short and Easy Method with the Deists (Leslie), 2:691 “Short Demonstration of a Remarkable Error of Descartes, A” (“Brevis Demonstratio Erroris Memorabilis Cartesii”) (Leibniz), 3:228 Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-Being (Spinoza), 9:173 Short-arm inputs and outputs, 3:760 Showa Research Society, 6:216 Shpet, Gustav Gustavovich, 9:17–20 Shrader-Frechette, Kristin S., 7:544 Shun Kwong-loi on Chinese ethics, 2:201 on Confucian concept of ren, 2:195 Shùn Zhèng Lùn (Asanga), 5:412 Shunmin (conforming persons), 9:862 Shushu.

5th Grade US History Textbook: Colonial America - Birth of A

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This methodology is central to mainstream reductionistic neuroscience at the turn of the twentieth century. If the issue had been raised by Aristotle, the outcome might have been this doctrine, but it is not clear that he did raise it. Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria: Ogun State University, Dept. of Philosophy. 1995–. Kant, accordingly, misunderstood the function of critical philosophy and the status of the judgments that constitute it, for whereas the truths that critical philosophy aims to uncover are nonempirical and necessary, the critique itself is empirical and fallible.

World Book Encyclopedia Box 1 2013

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Universities incorporated ethics education into the graduate cur- riculum to meet NIH requirements and to minimize the risk of the legal liability and public embarrassment from ethical misconduct in research. He ought to be a philosopher of history. [If the historian] trusts historical information in its plain transmitted form and has no clear knowledge of the principles resulting from cus- tom, the fundamental facts of politics, the nature of civilization, or the conditions govern- ing social organization, and if, further-more, he does not evaluate remote or ancient material through comparison with near or contemporary material, he often cannot avoid … deviating from the high road of truth.

Pegasus Children's Encyclopedia

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The version of metaphysical theology on which we concentrated in the present entry is expounded by Paul Tillich in Vol. The dao is the way of speaking that language. In 1936, he joined the Showa Research Society, which was led by Prince Konoe Fumimaru and which strove to moderate though not to oppose the mounting militarist trend. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY 2nd edition • 411 AUTHENTICITY REGARDING THE ARTIST AND THE ARTWORK Bibliography PRIMARY WORKS authority Three topics have dominated philosophical discussion of authority: the nature of authority, the point of authority, and the sources of authority. the nature of authority For brevity, first publication of individual papers (collected in Philosophical Papers) is omitted.

Blackbirch Visual Encyclopedias - Physical Science

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Other feminists, like Diana Meyers (1997, 2002), are troubled by the claim that there is no self or subject because of the implications of that position for the possibility of individual resistance to patriarchal norms, and for collective political agency. What must be achieved to develop such a naturalism is to show the tenability of some set of naturalistic definitions of key moral terms. The accounts of the council show the difficulty of using scriptural language that, insofar as it was metaphorical, did not solve analytical difficulties concerning causality or nature.

The Concise Animal Encyclopedia

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Arthur Schopenhauer, though he was not a materialist, defended a theory very similar to that of Hobbes in his Essay on the Freedom of the Will, translated by K. Chambers, Thomas More (London, 1935), to be supplemented by E. Recall again that sentences like 8 above can be true even if there are no unicorns. The treatment of Chinese religion, a notoriously messy phenomenon or set of phenomena, exemplifies most that is bad and good in the project.

The Macmillan Junior Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and

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Amherst and New York: Humanity Books, 2004. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY 2nd edition • 747 BUDDHISM — SCHOOLS: YOG A C A RA The stream flows from moment to moment and from life to life. If so, it was possible for him to create a world in which the vast mass of suffering that is morally pointless—the pain and misery of animals, the cancer and blindness of little children, the humiliations of senility and insanity—were avoided.

Britannica Student Encyclopedia c2007 (16 vol.) (Ready, Set,

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One authority is the Bible, in which we find both express ascetic commandments and examples like those of the Virgin Mary and the celibate Christ. (2) The sacrament of penance requires the denial of worldly desires. Contractualism is more permissive than consequentialism in counting, as relevant, considerations that have nothing do with what is likely to happen as a consequence of individuals being licensed to treat one another in certain ways. This impossibility is inherent in his views about philosophy and in the method he used in conformity with these views.

Endangered Species 1 3v Set (Endangered Species (3 Vol.))

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If there were peo- ple who engaged in language games very different from ours—if there were, for example, people who thought one could travel to the moon while in a dream—would we be in a position to criticize such people as fundamen- tally in error? This is clearly inadequate because it cannot capture syntactic generalizations about word order. The psychologists and social scientists have, in fact, recently given signs of a willingness to explore the question.

Polar Animals

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Under the pressure of societal systems of domination, reason became instrumental, reducing human beings to things and objects and nature to numbers. Husserl, as a pure phenomenologist, did not seek to discover anything about the natural world. Furthermore, Hume recognized that many beliefs are pointless to doubt because one is lit- erally incapable of disbelieving them or not taking them for granted in all one’s reasoning, including such philo- sophically contentious topics as the existence of external objects and the self, space and time, and the necessity of a cause to every beginning of existence.