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In the first part, the author parallels the development of Fourier analysis on the real line and the circle, and then moves on to analogues of higher dimensional Euclidean space. Since this is true for all values of a;, we may put \ + X m jxi,r 1 m - n = _ and therefore also x = • 1 - aj w 7)1 + n We then have log, - n = 2(^--« + IC^:^)' + ^r^^-=^'V+ &«. 1 (2). Yet another indications of the deterministic basis of chaos has been shown in studies of phase transitions and by the use of what mathematical modellers call "attractors."
Pages: 0
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin College Div; Pck edition (January 1999)
ISBN: 0618065997
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