As a Man Thinketh

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The journey of wellbeing is a journey of personal development and transformation. Call on the Lord to save you mind, body and soul (I John 1:9). The spiritual crisis forces us to examine our value systems and beliefs – it involves an internal drive to seek a deeper meaning for our lives and experiences. One can stop worrying if one understands the true knowledge of who is the doer ….read on and be free of worry....

Pages: 61

Publisher: Thomas Y. Crowell n.d.; Authorized Edition edition (1960)


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Cookies can remember what information a user accesses on one web page to simplify subsequent interactions with that website by the same user or to use the information to streamline the user's transactions on related web pages online. We asked God to help us show them the same tolerance, pity, and patience that we would cheerfully grant a sick friend. When a person offended we said to ourselves, "This is a sick man. Thy Will be done." 67:1- We cannot be helpful to all people, but at least God will show us how to take a kind and tolerant view of each and every one. 68:2- Perhaps there is a better way - we think so. For we are now on a different basis; the basis of trusting and relying upon God The fruit of the Spirit: Being ten addresses bearing on the spiritual life But I assure you, you will feel benefits and see immediate payoffs that will be encouraging." If your life isn't on the track you want it to be, your work is unfulfilling, or your relationships are clouded by conflicts, you may be looking for a personal growth journey to help you take charge of your life ref.: Think Logically, Live Intuitively: Seeking the Balance This is because how we think affects our emotions. For example, if you walked past a friend in the town centre and they ignored you, it would be easy to think this was because you've upset them, or that they dislike you. Of course having such thoughts would naturally cause you to feel upset and bring you down. On the other hand, if you instead thought; "perhaps they were daydreaming and didn't notice me," you would likely feel better about yourself ref.: How To Pray Without Being Religious: Finding Your Own Spiritual Path How To Pray Without Being Religious:. In fact, just thinking about the things you should do to feel better, like going for a walk or spending time with friends, can feel overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to start small and slowly build from there. You may not have much energy, but you probably have enough to take a short walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one ref.: The Book of Forgiving: The read here

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