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Both men and women wear head wraps. Further attempts through to the beginning of 2000 were made at continuing the Wye River accord, but kept breaking down due to Palestinian protests of continued new Israeli settlements. When not completely withheld, their basic rights and entitlements are represented as concessions generously granted by their overlords. This has been largely criticized as a one-sided accord, that benefits only Israel, not the Palestinian people.
Pages: 223
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (January 9, 2014)
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Blake Midnight/AP hide caption For years Devi Lockwood avoided learning how to cook. The leaves for these stuffed grape leaves came from a vine on a friend's farm in New Zealand. Devi Lockwood for NPR hide caption She grew up disconnected from her abusive father and his Armenian heritage. Years later, she reconnected to that heritage through her grandmother's kitchen and cooking lesson On The Theophania Or Divine Manifestation Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ: A Syriac Version
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