Alfred Valdmanis and the Politics of Survival

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This is evident in the local histories of the Kootenay region of British Columbia, which all but completely ignore the Doukhobors, even though they were the primary settlers of the area. The landscape-gardener is, therefore, trotted over the grounds two, three, or four times, and called upon to decide upon points which a proprietor himself would hesitate to determine, unless he were to visit the ground in different lights, and at different seasons, and various times of the day during the course of a year.

The Biography of a New Canadian Family: Volume II

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But a quarrel betwixt the author of Octavian and John Kemble was too unnatural; they became sensible they had both been wrong, and were reconciled, and the preface was so effectually cancelled, that the price of a copy in which it remains, astounds the novice when it occurs in the sale room. We have now with us a visitor from Washing ton, the curious Captain O Brion; he tells us a medley of news, blended with sea- phrases, which, to appreciate, you must hear.

Mary Belle Barclay: Founder of Canadian Hostelling

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The Ovaherero leader at Okombahe, Daniel Kariko, was simultaneously deposed from his position as chief. Accordingly, in Scotland, where planting is much better understood, and carried on upon an incomparably larger scale than among us, good soil and sheltered situations are appropriated to the oak, the ash, and other deciduous trees; and the larch is now generally confined to barren and exposed ground. It was then time for my second Vietnam tour. Fred); Moser, Louis; Moser, Olive Forwell (m. Louis); Stockie, Jacob; Stockie, Mary Isabella Moser (m.

Life Sketches of Eminent Lawyers: American, English and

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Produced in cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library Login required (from Proquest/Chadwyck-Healey) (1543-1945) Contains more than 4,700 publications from continental Europe, the U. Bangura, the second indigenous person elected United Methodist episcopal leader of Sierra Leone, died Sept. 24. Introduction Gazing Down from Cap Diamant: Cather's Canadian and Old World Connections (1931) in a single image, that of Cather gazing meditatively from a window in the Chateau Frontenac upon the town of Quebec below: "But from the first moment that she looked down from the windows of the Frontenac on the pointed roofs and Norman outlines of the town of Quebec, Willa Cather was not merely stirred and charmed—she was overwhelmed by the flood of memory, recognition, surmise it called up; by the sense of its extraordinarily French character, isolated and kept intact through hundreds of years, as if by a miracle, on this great un-French continent"(153-54).

Kate Rice: Prospector

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She would have been particularly fitted to do the honors of the White House, having accompanied her father to Paris, when a child, where she was placed under the care of Madame de Genlis, and received a most thorough education, enjoying afterwards a glimpse of the brilliant French society just before the Revolution. The nacelle, or cockpit of the modern machine suggests the pilot house of a palatial private yacht in miniature.

Two Months in the Camp of Big Bear

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Finally, a few years later than he had originally planned, COL Giannini settled into a law practice at Belleville, Illinois. She negotiated with schools in Freetown, in particular, to get them to accept refugee children into their pupil population. This film shows both the ambivalent artist Twain & the other romantic, flawed man, Clemens. 130 min. Meroro established an own business at the "Old Location" at Windhoek in 1952. A candid portrait of Melvin Van Peeble's struggles as a young, black director during the society-shifting 70's.

Cummer Memoranda: A Record Of The Progenitors And

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He is the author of Bumblebees: Their Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation (Oxford University Press, 2010), and of the Sunday Times bestseller A Sting in the Tale, a popular science book about bumblebees, published in 2013 by Jonathan Cape. Cast: Johnny Depp, Samantha Morton, John Malkovich, Paul Ritter, Stanley Townsend, Francesca Annis, Rosamund Pike, Tom Hollander, Johnny Vegas, Richard Coyle. These pieces (with more) will be collected into a book (working title Waiting for the Albino Dunnock) based on encounters with the mystery and diversity of birds, their relationship to their habitats, the natural world around them, and to us.

Case and his contempories; or, The Canadian itinerant's

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Among her varied activities on behalf of Zamir, Dr. His strong ego and rather cold relationships with other magic entertainers made him a natural target for their sarcasm. Let us regard the matter somewhat more closely. Obituaries; Biographies; Clergy; Germans; Waterloo County; Weiler, Anthony, Rev. There never was a day during that period when Vietnam was not a front-page story. He rotated to his next assignment in July 1967, but in 1971 he was sent back to Detachment Two once again.

The Cabin: A Search for Personal Sanctuary

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That should establish either some kind of credibility or culpability. Dictionary of Canadian Biography, 4 (1979). Established the first chemical laboratory in the United States to analyze ores. Does it produce the yield of its implicit comparison, teaching us, as Boas suggested his anthropological work might, to see and judge our modern or postmodern lives? The Living Water Garden ( Chengdu) and the Olympic Forest Park ( Beijing) are two of her most well known projects.

The North Runner

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I have heard it said that Scotland is second only to the Aleutians for bad flying weather, at least in winter, and the locals claimed that this was the worst winter in living memory. Cleopatra (Sutton Pocket Biographies) by E. In her early twenties Austen wrote the novels that later became Sense and Sensibility (first called “Elinor and Marianne”) and Pride and Prejudice (originally “First Impressions”). But nothing — not beatings, shutting the child “in a coal hole,” nor routinely locking her out of the house all night — seemed to work.