Antarctica (True Books: Continents)

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Armed with softball gloves and oven mitts representing greenhouse gases or embroidery hoops representing the inert gases nitrogen and oxygen, the children attempt to catch and throw the balls! Siberian Cities - Since the middle of the last century, more than 200 cities were established in the Russian Arctic. The accident by a musket-shot, and the heroic reply imputed to Flora, relate to a lady of rank not long deceased. T., 'Rationalising a Volcanic Crisis through Literature: Montsrratian verse and the descriptive reconstruction of an island', Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 203: 87-101. 2011 Bravo, M.

By Truck to the North: My Arctic Adventure (Adventure

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Click on posters below for larger version. Validation of immunohistochemistry confirmed significantly higher levels of ferritin in plaques from male patients. The cave was very narrow, too low in the roof to admit of his standing, or almost of his sitting up, though he made some awkward attempts at the latter posture. Interestingly, these regions show very different electronic and magnetic signatures in the experiments, defining an atomic-scale magnetic Moiré pattern.

Arctic Appetizers: Studying Food Webs in the Arctic

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It is known that he is also the author of a nautical map of the Mediterranean Sea, of the classical type, which has flowery ornamentation similar to this world map and signed in the same way: A. 1409. .. in venexia. His slumbers were broken and unrefreshing; strange visions passed before his eyes, and it required constant and reiterated efforts of mind to dispel them. He also laid down on the north of his tract the chain of islands bearing the names of North Devon, Corn- wallis, Bathurst, and Melville Island; and in the south, North Somerset, Cape Walker, and Banks' Land or Island, as it has since proved to be.

The Inuit (America, My Country Native Peoples)

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T., et al., 2008 'Northern Science and Research: Postsecondary Perspectives in the Northwest Territories', The Journal of Northern Studies, 1: 23-52. 2007 'Mission Gardens: Natural history and Global Expansion, 1720-1820'. From the jargon, therefore, of the Highland gillies, I pass to the character of their Chief. I cant ever recall factor polar bear and penguin fingerplas even that speaking up to condemn. The principal use of Polar Bears is for subsistence purposes (Obbard et al. 2010, ), including consumption of meat; use of hides for clothing; and small scale handicrafts.

Arctic Tundra: Life at the North Pole (Watts Library)

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How would they maintain all the snow buildings in the capitals if the weather got somewhat balmy? i meant unsurvivable for people - the only people who live there are a handful of researchers who basically never remove protective clothing. The stages of adaptation are as follows: IDENTIFY ■ Research and communicate potential climate change impacts. On the mean of the seven months the south-west is 16.5 colder than the west, while in June the difference was as much as 22.2 F. "From these observations it appears prob- able that there is a mass of land, the northern extremity of which is in lat. 65 S., long. 44 W., both Morrell and Ross having referred to an 'appearance of land' in this region.

Beluga Whales (Animals of the Snow and Ice)

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Highly trained personnel, many of whom are volunteers, risk their lives in search and rescue operations. Further, the one which attained this height was, at the moment of its disappearance, at a distance of 80 kilometres (49^ miles) from the observers. South Pole Station, being located high on the interior ice plateau, is the best site in the world for certain kinds of astronomy because of the low sky temperature, ultralow moisture content, and long periods suitable for observations. He was in his sixteenth year, when his habits of abstraction and love of solitude became so much marked, as to excite Sir Everard's affectionate apprehension.

Immi's Gift

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The name of Eankin's Inlet was changed to that of James Douglas's Bay, in honour of a merchant of the city of London, one of the adventurers in the undertaking. Oak is either not used at all or used as a container to allow oxygen to develop the wine's flavours without masking its citrusy minerality with vanilla. The contents of fatty acids of the flaxseed oil obtained under the same conditions were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS).

Ecosystems - Life in the Arctic

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A piece of black stone, brought home by one of the company, being submitted to one Baptista Agnello, he (by coaxing nature, as he privately admitted, to Michael Lok), obtained therefrom a gram of gold; thereupon money was speedily raised to defray the outfit of a second expedition, not for discovery, but to bring home the supposed golden ore, and this in the face of the report of the master of the Tower, and of two skilful assayists, who declared it to be but a marquesite, containing none of the precious metal.

Stay:The Last Dog in Antarctica

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The earnestness of his thanks called drops to the eyes of the worthy clergyman, who was doubly interested in the cause for which he had volunteered his services, by observing the genuine and undissembled feelings of his young friend. In 1957 SAS inaugurated the transpolar service Copenhagen-Anchorage-Tokyo with the new Boeing DC-7 C. One stated that the Serpent Pillars only appeared in the depths of Winter. In advancing northwards, Button's pilot observed a strong tide off the mouth of the Missinippi or Churchill river, and considering that to be a favourable omen of a passage, called the locality Huhhart Ms Hope, but the river was not entered, nor indeed discovered.

How to Survive in the Arctic and Antarctica (Tough Guides)

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PMID:17797095 The aim of this study is to extend our knowledge of the distribution of anisakid nematode parasites in Arctic and Antarctic polar regions. The book North Pole, South Pole will help students compare and contrast the two poles. A stretch of rocky river-bottom in the heart of the city is famous as the Reversing Rapids. The two Polar Regions lie within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.