The Poetics of Authorship in the Later Middle Ages: The

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European Journal of Human Genetics (2013) 21, 659–665; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2012.229; published online 19 December 2012 2Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia 4Medical Genetics, Department of Reproductive Sciences and Development, IRCCS-Burlo Garofolo, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy 5Department of Genetic Medicine and Development, University of Geneva Medical School, Geneva, Switzerland 6International Hereditary Cancer Center and Department of Genetics, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland 7Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) and National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland 8Unit of Investigation of Rheumatology, Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain 10Department of Molecular Bases of Human Genetics, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia 12Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, University Hospital Motol and Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague, Prague, Czech Republic 13Department of Human and Medical Genetics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania 15Division of Genetics and Cell Biology, San Raffaele Research Institute, Milano, Italy 16Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center, Riga, Latvia 18Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG-UPF) and CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain 23McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Center, Montreal, Canada 24Institute of Human Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany 27Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany 28These authors contributed equally to this work.

Thinking Italian Animals: Human and Posthuman in Modern

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Elettronica srl - Import-export telecommunication equipment Cushcraft Antenna Italian dealer, Kenwood Yaesu Icom Dealer I5XWW Crispino Kits - Ham Radio Kits, soundcard interface for digimodes, usb CAT Interfaces, PA interface cables, connectors, DRM hardware and software, DRM converters More Rome Ciampino airport is to close for 15 days from Friday 14/10/16 for repairs to it's runway. This means you could travel from Croatia to Slovenia, to Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in one incredible trip!

The Other Futurism: Futurist Activity in Venice, Padua, and

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It is exponentially metastasizing faster than any economic engine in the universe. If the offender is an alien, he or she may be expelled from the country. These 24 countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain (official euro members which are all European Union member states) as well as Andorra, Kosovo, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino and the Vatican which use it without having a say in eurozone affairs and without being European Union members.

Recreation and Style: Translating humorous literature in

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Significantly, the Italians fought better under Rommel than they ever had under their own commanders. Our European property database is updated daily by European estate agents and European property developers, and includes villas, farmhouses, apartments, watermills, townhouses, fincas and land based in numerous locations across France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Turkey. In mainland Europe, merchants, if they accept credit/debit cards, may require you to spend a minimum amount.

Mr Palomar (Vintage Classics)

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Heat the olive oil in a large non-reactive skillet. The submarine's position is indicated by the ship's sonar or by other assets, such as an ASW helicopter or maritime patrol aircraft. The EIB has provided EUR 95 billion in urban lending over the last five years. Although spectacular, this was strategically ineffective, and spared the military means that the British had to preclude German air superiority. SURGIVA THE OFFICIAL WATER OF THE SOMMELIERS!!!

Reading Dante (The Open Yale Courses Series)

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We help interior designers and individual clients to deliver professional proposals for your home or commercial projects. In 1911, war broke out between Italy and the Ottoman Empire, which was quickly defeated and had to cede Libya and the Dodecanese islands as war reparations (this conflict is notable because aircraft were employed for the first time in reconnaissance/bombing roles). We have already shared our experiences with friends at home and hope to join them in another tour next year.

Venice and the Cultural Imagination: 'This Strange Dream

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Today a piece of mistletoe is hung over the door to "bring luck" to all the household. Robert was followed by his son-in-law, Rudolf of Burgundy, but then the West Franks turned to the Carolingians again, bringing Louis IV back from exile in England ("outre mer"). Modern populations with the highest percentages of haplogroup A are the Khoisan (such as the Bushmen) and the southern Sudanese. We have delivered furniture to Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Hong Kong, Italy, Switzerland and UK.

Reading Dante: From Here to Eternity

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Water in southern Italy might come from desalination and sometimes may have a strange taste, due to extended droughts. Instead, the conservative oppression of regimes like Austria, which were said to be "despotism tempered by inefficiency," was followed by the far more oppressive, sinister, and murderous "evil empires" of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, both founded on 20th century totalitarian, collectivist ideology -- though Hitler did like to think of his regime as a "Third Reich" continuing the German empires of the past.

Wolf, Clan of the Badger

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Many stay here from late March to the end of October - which is also the popular time for tourists to visit. Substitutes: sweet basil oregano = wild marjoram = pot marjoram Pronunciation: uh-REG-uh-no Equivalents: 1 tablespoon fresh = 1 teaspoon dried Notes: Oregano is a popular herb in Mediterranean countries, where it's often used to season tomato sauces, meat dishes, and pizzas. Even today when I can consider myself a little bit expert in PV I learn a lot every time I am here. (650) 843-0901 Florida 15455 West Dixie Highway, Suite # O Miami, FL 33162

A History of Classical Scholarship: From the Sixth Century

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At Varenna, on Lake Como, men dressed like the Three Kings and their retinue go through the countryside with torches, bestowing gifts on the needy. Please, Please Help Us Just to live a little longer. This year EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK has been held under the banner of 'Smart and sustainable mobility - an investment for Europe', referring to the close ties between transport and economics. When Italy entered World War II, the possession of Libya gave Mussolini an opportunity to invade Egypt and take the Suez Canal.